
Gum disease is an infection by bacteria down in the gum line. Early forms of the disease, such as gingivitis are easy to treat, while more severe versions, like periodontal disease, could be more difficult to manage. Gum disease stars in the pockets of gum tissue where the gums adhere to teeth. Plaque remains down in these pockets for prolonged periods because a standard toothbrush and floss can’t reach into these areas for cleaning.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Gum disease has several symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Common symptoms include: gum tissue that is red and swollen, gums that bleed, gums that are pulling away from the teeth; other symptoms might be mechanical, such as when permanent teeth have moved in position, or partial dentures that no longer fit appropriately, or even a change in the patient’s bite. It’s important if you have any of these symptoms to contact your dentist and schedule an appointment. If gum disease is left untreated it could progress to an invasive problem, but early stages of the disease, the gingivitis stages, are easily treated at the dentist’s office, and at-home follow-ups. These early stages are very reversible.

Risk Factors for gum disease

Obviously bad oral hygiene is going to contribute to gum disease, and having a regular routine schedule of good quality oral care is paramount in protecting your mouth from disease. But even the best at-home oral care can’t undo the side effects of smoke and smokeless tobaccos. The tar and the nicotine in tobacco are bad news for teeth and gums. Systemic diseases, even pregnancy, can contribute to gum disease. Also certain medications such as steroids, cancer therapy drugs, oral contraceptives, and other drugs—check with your –physician as to the possible side-effects of other drugs that you have been prescribed—may contribute to oral disease.

If you believe you have the symptoms of gum disease, make sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Catching and treating gum disease early is vitally important to keeping your mouth healthy. Almost fifty percent of all adults in the U.S. will contract some type of periodontal disease.   Call us TODAY (402) 718-8737 to schedule your appointment today!