How Flossing Affects Your Gums

How Flossing Affects Your Gums

If you want to keep your smile healthy, it’s important to take good care of both your teeth and your gums. Many dentists recommend flossing, but sometimes it can cause your gums to bleed and feel tender. Here’s how flossing affects your gums long term. Why Dentists...
Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Foods

Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Foods

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! The holidays are best when filled with family, friends, and holiday traditions. Many holiday traditions revolve around delicious holiday foods that are very sweet. Can you keep your smile healthy while enjoying your...
Is Water a Good Source of Fluoride?

Is Water a Good Source of Fluoride?

Since the early 20th century, scientists have been studying the effects of fluoride in relation to tooth decay and cavities and discovering that it can remineralize the enamel of teeth and help make them more resistant to decay. Scientists began linking fluoride that...
Is Gum Disease Curable?

Is Gum Disease Curable?

Have you suddenly noticed that your gums appear red, puffy or swollen? Do they feel tender when touched? Do they bleed easily when you floss or brush or do you notice pink on your toothbrush after brushing? Does it feel increasingly painful to chew? If so, you may be...
How to Upgrade Your Oral Hygiene Routine

How to Upgrade Your Oral Hygiene Routine

A new year is upon us again and you’ve probably got the itch to upgrade your life. Maybe you’re considering prioritizing self care, or investing more time in activities that bring you joy, or maybe you have new goals to exercise more or learn a new skill, maybe you’re...