
The most important tooth-brushing habit is to use it twice each day, brushing for two minutes. But there are a few other habits, some good and some bad, to remember. Here they are…

It’s possible to keep a toothbrush in use for too long. As a rule, it’s safe to estimate a toothbrush’s useful life at 3-4 months. However, it can wear out sooner. If the toothbrush begins to break down, and some of the bristles have either splayed or broken, then it’s time for a replacement. You don’t have to throw an old toothbrush in the garbage. It can also serve a second life as a cleaner’s assistant, scrubbing nooks and crannies, scrubbing the grout lines of tile, etc.

It’s possible to brush for too long a time, and ineffective to brush for too little; so, when you brush your teeth, time yourself for a two-minute session. If you have trouble, then set a timer to two minutes and get to brushing.

It’s possible to brush the teeth and gums too vigorously. You can do damage to the teeth and gums with brush strokes that are too aggressive or with toothbrush bristles that are too firm. To get a quality brushing, you only need to use gentle strokes over all the surfaces of the teeth. It’s also a good idea to stay clear of the firm-bristled toothbrush; a soft-bristled toothbrush will do th work and, if properly sued, won’t harm the teeth or gums.

It’s also important to keep your toothbrush out where it can dry. Toothbrush holders are a good choice, because they keep the brush off the countertop and at a vertical angle, where any leftover water can either drain or evaporate. If you keep a toothbrush in a confined space such as a plastic baggie (exceptions can be made for short-term weekend-away-type storage) germs can grow.

If you have any questions about which toothbrush will work the best for your teeth and gums, or if it’s time to schedule your next appointment with your dentist at Premier Smile, then call today.